1. I will at all times treat my fellow students in the same manner I expect them to treat me, having full respect for their property and rights.
2. I will intelligently follow the leadership of all properly elected student officers and abide by such decisions as they have been empowered to make by the will of the majority.
3. I will respect the authority of my teachers. I will make a special effort to be helpful and cooperative at all times when a substitute teacher is in charge, for I realize a substitute teacher is in fact my guest.
4. I will make every effort to protect my school property and maintain its appearance, for I appreciate the fact that my school is frequently judged by its appearance and the surrounding grounds.
5. I will neither give help nor receive help from a fellow student during a test or examination. I will make sure that all work submitted as a part of test or examination is honest in every respect.
6. I will do my best to do my own homework at all times, for I realize that homework is a means for me to learn. Any help I seek in accomplishing my school-work assignments will be for the purpose of increasing my understanding and will not include copying from another student's work or having anyone else do my work for me.
7. I will do my best at all times outside of school to act in such a manner that it can only bring honor to my home and school.
The preamble of the creed states, Honor and personal integrity are my greatest assets.
I myself can control the extent and quality of these traits. It is important to me now and in the future to be a member of a school whose record for high honor is outstanding.
Only by constant and voluntary effort on my part can Dupo Community High School attain a position of unexcelled reputation which I seek.
In order to further my personal position as an individual of high honor and in order to make my school outstanding in every respect, I shall do my best to abide by the following Creed and to cooperate with my fellow students and teachers in furthering this Creed.